Mary Magdalene of the Sea by Ona Martin
Who is Mary Magdalene?
Do you know Mary Magdalene?
Which version of her do you know?
Mary Magdalene, the woman
Mary Magdalene, the prostitute who wasn’t
Mary Magdalene, the archetype
Mary Magdalene, the mystic
Mary Magdalene, the anointer
Mary Magdalene, the teacher of teachers
Mary Magdalene, the lover
Mary Magdalene, the threat to patriarchy
Mary Magdalene, the leader
Mary Magdalene connects us to a bold, wild, fierce Love that is all encompassing. It’s a Love that is hard to refuse; it’s so potent and powerful.
Can you hear her call?
There is a stirring in the air, can you feel it? It’s been going on for a few years now, the rise of the Divine Feminine, the rise of a Love that is consistent, undying, and that restores what was stolen.
Mary Magdalene calls us from the deepest chamber of our heart. We resonate with her because we are ready to feel and be that Love. She is the representation of the Divine Feminine, just as Jesus was the representation of the Divine Masculine. They honored and understood each other’s wisdom.
Until very recently, she was denied her rightful place in history. She was pushed aside and drug through the mud because the men around Jesus, his teachings, and the religion that grew from them felt threatened. They couldn’t allow a Feminine power to rise; they were afraid.
“Why her and not me?” they would wonder, cowering and hiding.
“Who do you think you are, to believe that you can teach us?” they asked her, after she shared her experience with Jesus resurrected.
Today, Mary Magdalene lives in our hearts as she ascends to her rightful place. To the Women who seek her wisdom, she is the embodiment of the Divine Feminine. Even in the Christian religion she has been declared a Saint. Our gathering, and so many more like it, are bringing her spirit and teachings forth at long last.
Mary Magdalene is a woman we can all relate to, study, and honor. She is an invaluable guide on our journey to be the center of Love from which we lead our lives; it’s a Love that is tender, fierce, vulnerable, and powerful.
This summer, let’s embody the experience of Mary Magdalene’s Love, together as Sisters.
— Evelyne